Friday 2 March 2012

Life Of Pi

Life Of Pi - Yann Martel

Thoughts and opinions
I love this book, i think its clever, thought provoking, intriguing and at times a little bit disturbing. This book is definitely one that requires a lot of thought in order to see its true meaning and answer the ultimate question. Which story do you believe?  This book claims it can make you believe in God. Don't let this put you off reading it though, even an athiest like me found it a really good and interesting read. No, i still don't believe in God.

Basic Plot
An Indian boy, after the sinking of a ship, ends up stuck on a life boat with various animals. The most dangerous being a fully grown bengal tiger. The book is all about his journey and how he survived for 227 days in the pacific ocean. You learn a lot about his past including education and religion.

I would strongly advise you to read this book, it really is fantastic. Don't forget to read the Authors note at the beginning, it could change your prespective of the whole book. Make you ask questions about the way Pi acts towards certain events and keep you thinking all the way through about his state of mind.


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